Dr. Cindy Grimm has been an associate professor at Oregon State University since 2013. Prior to that she was tenured faculty at Washington University in St. Louis in Computer Science (12 years). Her research areas range from 3D sketching to biological modeling to human-robot interaction. She approaches these problems with a combination of mathematical models and empirically-verified human-centered design (HCD). She has worked with collaborators in fields ranging from psychology, mechanical and biological engineering, statistics, to art. She has been funded both federally (NSF, NIH) and from industry (Adobe, Hewlett-Packard). She has published over 70 articles in venues such as SIGGRAPH, Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Biomedical Engineering, UIST, ETRA, and IROS.
Research Interest
- Understanding how experts perform 3D volume (eg MRI, CT) segmentation and employing this understanding to develop domain-agnostic training tools
- Shape representation and complexity
- Eliciting human decision-making processes in the context of manipulation in order to apply this information to robotic grasp planning
- Robots through the lens of law
- Privacy – how do we understand, and protect, privacy in the context of remote, tele-operated robots
- Meaningful human control – how to frame autonomous agents in the context of fault-based law
Current, Recent, and Upcoming HCD Courses
ROB 514 - Introduction to robotics – 3 – Every fall term
ROB 567 - Human-robot interaction – 4 – Spring 2016/2018
Research Laboratory
Location: Graf Hall Second Floor Highbay
Research Equipment and Software:
- Robotic arms
- Various robots
- MaxQDA
- Opti-trak/Kinect systems (4 camera stage and 5 camera tripod)
- Robot Operating System
- Geometry processing, 3D sketching, 3D volume viewing
Current Projects
- Understanding how experts do 3D volume segmentation (NSF)
- Using human perception/physical manipulation skills to improve robot grasping
- Data capture, machine learning, interactive grasp specification
- Privacy/social norms in remote tele-presence systems
- Defining social norms
- Defining effective robot manipulation strategies to improve acceptability/privacy
- Soft robotics: How to semi-automatically capture and document workflows that involve both software tools and physical (eg gluing) tasks
- Robotic tools: Design of robotic tools for specific tasks
Selected Publications
- Reynold Bailey, Ann McNamara, and Cindy Grimm, “Improving Search Task Performance Using Subtle Gaze Direction”, Transactions on Applied Perception, 6(3), 1-19, August 2009Publication 2
- Matthew Sundberg, Walter Litwinczyk, Cindy Grimm, and Ravi Balasubramanian, “Visual Cues used to Evaluate Grasps from Images”, International Conference on Robotics and Applications (ICRA 2016), May 2016 (to appear)
- Anahita Sanandaji, Jeremy Deutsch, Max Parola, Meghan Kajihara, Anne Carlew, Ruth West, and Cindy Grimm, “Where do Experts Look while doing 3D Image Segmentation”, 2016 ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, (To appear, March 2016)
- Michelle Holloway, Anahita Sanandaji, Deniece Yates, Amali Krigger, Ross Sowell, Roth West, and Cindy Grimm, “Guided Structure-Aligned Segmentation of Volumetric Data”, 11th International Symposium (ISVC) 2015, published in Advances in Visual Computing, December 2015, pp 307-317 (Winner best paper award)